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Introduction to Android app development
Introduction (1:42)
Install Android Studio on Windows (5:17)
Your first Android app
Create your first Android Studio project (3:42)
A quick tour of Android Studio (5:53)
Create an Android Virtual Device (i.e an Android emulator) (6:11)
Run your app in the emulator (3:23)
Run your app on an Android device (2:14)
An introduction to Java
Using strings, arrays and loops in Java
Conditional statements and operators in Java
Methods in Java
Objects, classes and inheritance in Java
Interacting with the user
Add a button (5:08)
Constraint layout and adding text fields (10:15)
Starting a new activity (7:25)
Passing data to a new activity (6:26)
Logging (4:47)
The debugger (8:46)
The Activity Lifecycle
The rotation problem (3:41)
Activity Lifecycle Flowchart (4:42)
How to copy data between activity states (9:12)
How is the course?
Keeping going, you are doing great! (0:42)
Match parent and wrap content (3:24)
LinearLayout (7:02)
LinearLayout and zero dp (3:16)
RelativeLayout (6:09)
FrameLayout (7:13)
Saving data permanently
Shared Preferences (9:36)
SQLite (10:26)
Saving to files (10:27)
Spinner with ArrayAdapter (4:28)
Spinner with custom ArrayAdapter (10:36)
Simple RecyclerView (22:45)
Handling tap events inside the RecyclerView (6:54)
Dynamically adding new items to the list (8:01)
More complex items in RecyclerView (13:07)
Introduction to fragments (19:31)
Reusing fragments (5:07)
Android Studio's Activity Templates
Basic Activity (7:29)
Bottom Navigation (4:18)
Draw Navigation (7:27)
Sending a simple notification (6:31)
Launch an activity when notification is tapped (4:36)
Adding actions to notifications (7:39)
Requesting Permissions at Run Time (Marshmallow or higher) (16:47)
Using AsyncTask for background jobs (14:03)
Downloading data from the Internet
Downloading a text file from the Internet (14:36)
Downloading and parsing a JSON feed (23:03)
Game fundamentals
Draw a little red square (9:33)
Adding a thread (14:02)
Adding a sprite (5:16)
Bounce (6:39)
Frame rates (6:13)
Handling touch events (8:16)
Background Services
Creating a background service (22:39)
Creating a foreground service (12:09)
Android Studio 3.0 and Android 8.0 Oreo
Upgrade from Android Studio 2.3 to 3.0 (3:32)
Notifications in Android 8.0 and later (7:47)
Just the beginning
Closing thoughts (1:01)
Upgrade from Android Studio 2.3 to 3.0
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